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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Make Money with Google adsense

hey are you want make money via internet. let me guide to you. Are u ready...... :)
google adsense is best for earning money via internet, let's me guide to you..
1. we must make blog in
2. and visitor looking for us much
3. after we had a lot blog visitors
4. our new regitration to google adsense
 enjoy :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wonders Of Google

Wonders Of Google

Google is best search engine in the world probably the most widely used by all people in this world find a variety of information from around the world, maybe we already know how to google history is formed and who  the maker. I think Google is fantastic because from Google we can find and get to share the information that we maybe hard to get it from books.From  Google we can also learn that before we do not know. from Google we cal also save the world from global warming because we can also find information about how to  cope global warming. I think google best search engine the how do you think.let's we 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Unique Culture Traditions Of Indonesia

Homecoming is a culture in Indonesia is always there when the day of Eid For Muslims in Indonesia. the sense of going home is the activity of migrant / migrant worker to return to his hometown. Hometown  in Indonesia are identical with annual tradition that accurs  before the mayor religious festivals such as before holiday. at that moment there opportunity to gather with relative scattered overseas, in addition to meeting the parents as well. Homecoming tradition exist only in Indonesia...MUDIK Tradition Of Indonesia
Read here

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to make money with Blog

Are you want to earn money from internet ? let's do it :)
Follow my steps:
1. create blog first in advance ( preferably at )
2. browse blog posting using the English language
2. posting unique articles for later Google can early approve
3. Wait for more and for more visitors to your blog the better
4. when you many have visited your blog a new list
5. If Google adsense  already approved just follow steps by step it

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tradisional Food of Indonesia

Chicken soup is a kind of chicken  soup with glass noodle content,bean sprout, sliced egg,cabbage,potatoes and tomatoes, chicken soup using the spice turmeric source so that it  became yellow or soto ayam  jojos. chicken soup can be eaten with white rice or rice cake slice
Check here >>>>>>

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Indonesia's Traditional Food

Spesial Fried Rise Delecious
Who Would not ever eat fried rice?

                                                                                      necessary ingredients : 
250 Grams of White rice, fried rice do not chose a too pulen, 1 eggs, beaten off vegetable oil to frying seasoning to taste first 30grams of that has been roughly chopped 1 clove garlic. finely chopped 1 red onions,thinly sliced 2 large red chili pieces, whased and thinly sliced 1 tablespoons sliced green onion seasoning second : soy sauce 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 packpage beef broth salt and flavorings to taste.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Batik OF Indonesia

This Kind of batik Indonesia many differents of batik in Indonesia . Let;s Find out clik here BATIK OF INDONESIA , enjoy :)